Saturday, December 3, 2011

Tough Invicta Watches for Outdoorsmen

!±8± Tough Invicta Watches for Outdoorsmen

There are those guys who like their world at a slower pace. They sit on the couch and watch sports, read, or play video games. They sleep late and laze around all day. Once in a blue moon, they may increase their blood pressure a bit by cobbling in the garage, working on house projects, or cleaning the dishes.

But that's not you at all. You're an outdoorsman.

You like being active, pushing yourself a bit, and discovering new places. You live for the feel of fresh air in your lungs. You prefer the warmth of the sun rather than the lifeless artificial light of gyms and fitness centers. And you know that in order to enjoy your outdoors experiences, you need to be outfitted with the proper equipment. Such "equipment" can be clothes that keep out the elements, the right pair of shoes or boots, that club, pocketknife, or wrench to get you out of a tough spot.

And don't forget the wristwatch.

True outdoorsmen know that grabbing just any watch off your dresser may leave you in a lurch later if it falls off your wrist or stops working. They need a rugged-yet-practical timepiece that will handle with whatever its wearer dishes out.

They need an Invicta wristwatch.

Invicta has been making durable multifunction watches for outdoorsmen for almost 175 years. Today's diverse lineup of Invicta wristwatches features something for every kind of outdoor activity, including:

Hiking. If you're out on the trail, you need to know how much daylight you have left - so you can't afford a watch to stop because it gets a little dirty. Many Invicta watches also have compasses and tachymeters which can aid the adventuresome hiker.

Golfing. Men who hit the links need a lightweight, sweatproof watch that won't affect their swing. Because people who think golfing is easy have probably never tried playing 18 holes in chilling wind or intense heat. (Plus, it can be an "active outdoor experience" if your ball tends to stray from the fairway.)

Fishing. It's not a good idea to bring a leather strap watch with you to the lake, pond, or river - because you can bet it'll smell like fish from that day forward. Invicta has wristwatches with rubber and polyurethane straps than can be cleaned easily trip after trip.

Camping. Backpackers and campers can't afford to have their watch quit or break on them when they're far away from civilization. That's why they love Invicta watches which can withstand campfires, cold stream water, and the grueling tasks required to set up or break camp.

Scuba diving or snorkeling. Invicta also has plenty of offerings for the adventurers who prefer their elevations below sea level. Many of Invicta's diver watches will remain operational up to 100 feet (or more) below the water surface.

Mountain biking. When you hop on the bike and get off the pavement, you need a wristwatch that's as strong as the padding and helmet you're wearing. Invicta has lots of shockproof, comfortable watches that will easily survive the occasional faceplant.

Boating. Whether you're cruising in your pleasure craft or paddling in your raft, canoe, or kayak; you have to assume that your watch will get wet. But you won't have to worry about Invicta's water-resistant and waterproof outdoor watches freezing up because of a few water droplets.

Skiing or snowboarding. Invicta can equip the snow lover with a high-quality timepiece as he speeds down the mountain and jumps over moguls. They're built to stay tightly affixed to your wrist - because if you lose your watch in the deep powder, it's probably gone for good.

Rock climbing. Men who love scrambling over boulders or dangling from a mountainside need a watch that's tough and durable but won't get caught on rocks or ropes. Invicta can help the climbers keep track of how long it takes them to scale their next "insurmountable" mountain.

Waterskiing. Invicta watches will keep on working no matter how long you stay up. Plus, these timepieces won't explode into bits if you happen to take an unexpected tumble into the water.

Motorcycling or ATVing. Some guys relish the feeling of bone-jarring horsepower underneath them as they speed through the mud or dust. Invicta watches aren't afraid of a little dirt or a few bumps, and some of them have tachymeters to help off-roaders compute distance over time. Hunting. You have to get up pretty early in the morning to outwit a seasoned outdoorsmen and his rifle. Invicta has plenty of comfortable, versatile watches that will stay on the hunt every step of the way.

From the Force and Leviathan watches to the Subaqua and Russian Diver collections, Invicta has the perfect timepiece for the outdoor adventurer. Any watch will suffice if all you want to do is be sedentary and watch life pass you by. But for those men who crave the challenges created by Mother Nature, only an Invicta timepiece will do.

Tough Invicta Watches for Outdoorsmen

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